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Shifting the Harmful Narratives and Practices of Work Requirements

NonProfit Quarterly

A job that pays less than childcare costs, imposes schedules on short notice, and doesn’t offer benefits cannot help people escape poverty. But because of narratives about what poor people and people of color deserve, they are relegated to jobs that perpetuate cycles of poverty and disenfranchisement. They’re effective.

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??How Community-Based Public Space Can Build Civic Trust: Lessons from Akron

NonProfit Quarterly

In the 1930s and ’40s, banks and federal government officials redlined Summit Lake—a neighborhood named for its beautiful glacial lake—making it virtually impossible for anyone to qualify for a mortgage in the neighborhood or for any property owner, commercial or otherwise, to qualify for financing to make improvements.

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Housing and Climate: Funding Holistic Solutions

Stanford Social Innovation Review

As we work to make future buildings healthier and safer for people and the planet, we also have to respond to the fact that half a million children, the majority of whom are in predominantly Black and/or high-poverty neighborhoods, already live in housing that exposes them to lead.