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Shifting the Harmful Narratives and Practices of Work Requirements

NonProfit Quarterly

Work requirements are based on several problematic truths about the United States: an unwillingness to govern by fact rather than fiction, a deep history of racism and sexism, and a centuries-long capitalist work ethic that treats people as dispensable.

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Antionette Kerr : How I Became a Self-Care Radical

NonProfit Hub

I credit them for my fierce work ethic, which fit right in with the “do more with less” mindset of nonprofit work, but as I rose through the ranks of nonprofit leadership, I wasn’t quite prepared for the toll it took on my mental, physical and spiritual well-being. At a time when HUD (U.S. Often these things trickle through to staff.

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Fisheries and Stewardship: Lessons from Native Hawaiian Aquaculture

NonProfit Quarterly

They exist as part of the traditional Native Hawaiian infrastructure for biocultural (integrated natural and cultural) resource abundance, or ‘āina momona (which literally translates as “fat lands”). Āina momona stretch across and uplift the ecological and cultural functioning of the entire watershed, from mountaintop to nearshore.